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Writer's pictureThe Duck in the Nest

Rules, Rules, Rules!

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Ignore the Contact Page Unless You Don't Understand the Rules

I am a Duck in this Nest, and I prefer to keep my Nest intact, yes. Though it is large enough for many flocks to come and rest while chattering away the days before they take off again, it is known that Nature likes to keep some form of order in spite of the chaos it usually uses.

That's why I've begun whipping up some rules in order to keep everyone safe.

No one likes to see the Nest suddenly set on fire. Especially me. No way.

You can find more information about how to be a good flockmate on the Conduct Page.

Terms and Privacy Policies have their own separate posts for everyone to see in full.

Duck Page Rule Introduction Screenshot
About Page Introduces the Rules of the Nest

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Large Duck
Large Duck
Nov 27, 2018



Ice Cell
Ice Cell
Nov 27, 2018


Henlo, I made some changes to the post because the page itself underwent changes. The Rules of the Nest stay the same. They just got their own independent pages, rather than being stuck in one whole page.

I think it's more efficient that way, yes.

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